Monday, April 20, 2009

Strawberry Cupcakes

I love to cook and would much prefer to eat something homemade then made from a box. Homemade food tastes better to me and my family and a lot of the time the meals are healthier and less expensive than their store made, processed counterparts. Make It Yourself Monday gives me a chance to experiment with some recipes that I might not have tried before.

Wow...leave it to Martha to find such a delectable recipe for strawberry cupcakes. We are on a cupcake kick at our house. My 3 year old loves them and they are fun for her to help me make. She likes to put the wrappers in the muffin pans and then she is usually done with the helping until it is time to lick the spatula. My baby turned 1 over the Easter weekend and we had about 30 relatives over for a party. Usually, I buy a cake for all of our special occasions from the specialty bakery where we got our wedding cake almost 9 years ago. We love their raspberry cakes and have purchased quite a few over the years. But this year I was trying to save money and the raspberry cake is about $40 for the size that I needed. My 3 year old suggested cupcakes and I thought it was a great idea. Of course the boxed variety just wouldn't do and I was also looking for some MIYM post ideas, so I hit my recipe binder and the web for some recipes. I had this recipe for Sprinkles Strawberry cupcakes in my binder that I printed a couple of years ago, but I never tried it. The recipe is found on Martha Stewart's website, but the recipe is from Candace Nelson of Sprinkles cupcakes.

Do yourself a favor and print this recipe and make these cupcakes...they are delicious and very easy to make. The only ingredient I had to buy was a bag of frozen strawberries, so I saved myself $37.50.

If you liked this recipe, you might also enjoy some recent Make it yourself Monday recipe:
Grammy's sugar cookies
Whole wheat pitas

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