Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Do You Have A Summer Routine?

Does life change drastically for you in the summer?

This is our first official week of summer break. Life changes in a good way for us in the summer. We don't have to follow any real schedule, except the one that we make for ourselves.

But there is so much that I want to accomplish this summer: the girls will need entertained, I am training to run my first half-marathon in October and I have some writing projects that I want to pursue.

I also have a garden that needs nurtured, a house that needs maintained, a balance sheet that needs managed, a blog that I am trying to grow, rooms that need painted, and last, but certainly not least my obligations to our small business that cannot be ignored.

I need to find a balance between enjoying and packing as much fun into our summer and meeting all of my obligations as a mom, wife, and small business owner. I want to develop a summer routine for myself, so that the summer doesn't get ahead of me and nothing gets accomplished.

I'm going to start by focusing on my favorite time of the day in the summer - the early morning, before the kids are out of bed. I head out the door around 6:15 for a run and then work on my computer until the kids wake up. They are sleepy heads in the summer and roll out of bed around 9am.

The rest of the day needs a little work as I get distracted very easily, by just about anything outdoor related.

Does life change dramatically for you in the summer? Do you have a summer routine to help you fit everything in? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. As a teacher, I normally have summers off. I try to teach summer school, but not this summer (tight budgets). I maintain a routine to accomplish some goal daily or weekly. It is real easy to sleep late and do nothing, but that is not very satisfying!

  2. I know what you mean about the summer getting away from you. A few weeks ago I thought about what I want to accomplish this summer for myself, for the kids, and as a family. I talked about it with my husband and then we put it on the calendar. Writing things down (this is the week to clean out the closets, for example) helps a great deal. Then we can have our lazy days and free time, but we also get stuff done.

  3. Courtney - Writing things down definitely helps. I write a to-do list every night for the next day and that has been keeping me on task.

    Thanks for reading and commenting.


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