Pregnancy, childbirth and welcoming a new baby can be overwhelming, but this week's bundle is a collection of resources to help you make informed decisions about each. With a bent toward natural living, this collection includes real food recipes for pregnancy and beyond, plus tips for breastfeeding, natural birth and simple living with a baby. This week only, get all 5 ebooks for just $7.40 (a savings of more than 80%)!

Healthy Pregnancy Super Foods by Kate Tietje
In Healthy Pregnancy Super Foods, Kate simplifies pregnancy nutrition with just two rules: 1) Don’t eat junk food and 2) Eat super foods. This ebook includes details about the super foods you should be eating (and a basic list of what you should avoid), what pregnant women’s nutritional needs are, and offers more than 30 super food recipes.
Fearless Birth by Kristen Burgess
Fear of giving birth is a very real thing, but through the Fearless Birth workbook and bonus tools, Kristen helps you understand the source of your fears, create positive images of birth, let go of fear and approach labor and birth with confidence and peace of mind.
Unbound Birth by Jennifer Yarbrough
Unbound Birth: How to Have a Natural Birth in the Hospital is an inspiring collection of natural hospital birth stories. With determination, information, preparation, and support, Jennifer offers women hope for the beauty of a natural birth within a hospital setting.
The Minimalist Mom's Guide to Baby's First Year by Rachel Jonat
Parenting is a demanding job, and the first year with a new baby is exciting, ever so tiring and filled to the brim with baby toys, gadgets and gizmos. In The Minimalist Mom's Guide to the Baby's First Year, Rachel shares her own journey into motherhood and the lessons she learned about avoiding the clutter trap of too much baby stuff, slowing down to enjoy the early months with your new baby, saving money, creating a peaceful home and finding more time in your day for things like sleep!
Breast to Bib by Kate Tietje
If you’ve ever wondered how to get a baby started with real food, this is your go-to guide. In Breast to Bib, Kate offers help with breastfeeding and discusses low milk supply and homemade formula options as well as how and when to introduce solids and tips for handling picky toddlers. Plus you'll find 27 healthy, family-friendly recipes to get you started!
The Pregnancy & Baby bundle is only available through 8am EST on Monday, 4/15. Get yours today:

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